release, restore, renew.
Welcome to “The Healing Powers of EFT Tapping + Breathwork” with Certified EFT Practitioner Meeta Darji and Certified Meditation + Breathwork Facilitator MB Mannino.
We are so happy that you’re here.
About This Course:
This workshop is a 60-minute interactive experience designed to support you in identifying where you’re feeling stuck, blocked or experiencing negative energy and using the powerful self-healing modalities of EFT Tapping and Breathwork, allowing your body to release anything it no longer desires to hold on to. By doing so, you can more easily find balance, alignment and renewal and return to deeper states of joy, peace, happiness, love — whatever your desired outcome may be.
Meet Your Teachers
MB Mannino
As a Certified Meditation + Breathwork Facilitator, MB guides you toward reconnection with your greatest superpower: yourself. MB’s techniques are approachable yet powerful and as such, she strives to empower you to learn how to use these modalities to hold space for yourself in the moment so that you can move beyond stress, anxiety and overwhelm and into peace, ease, alignment and love,
Meeta Darji
As a Certified Holistic Health & Stress Management Coach and Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) Practitioner, Meeta helps individuals manage stress, anxiety and overwhelm using a mind-body approach with scientifically proven tools to manage their physical, emotional and mental health.
FAQs // What to Expect
EFT, which stands for "Emotional Freedom Techniques" (also known as Tapping), is a powerful mind-body tool to release stress and negative emotions in minutes. It's called tapping because when using EFT, we tap our fingertips on certain points on our hand, head and torso. Tapping on these various meridian points on the body while using the power of our own voice to speak positive affirmations can help to release difficult or challenging feelings / emotions.
Breathwork is the act of changing the way that we're breathing in order to shift or influence the way that we feel. How? A couple of ways. First, the breath is the only system in our body that both functions automatically and that we have conscious control over. As we go about our day, chances are, we barely give any thought to our breath. But, in any given moment, we have the capacity to override the automatic function. Why does this matter? Well, every single emotional state that we experience in our bodies, our body breathes in a certain way as a response.
So, if our breath is linked to our emotions and our breath is something that we can control, this must mean that we can use our breath to enter into a desired state of feeling and being...aka, breathwork. In this particular workshop, we will engage the breath to support us in releasing and letting go of anything that doesn't serve or support us or our highest self (IE stress, overwhelm, feelings of nervousness or anxiousness, etc).
Enrolled participants have lifetime access to this program.
One time payment of $99
Please note: due to the nature of this program, refunds are not available.
Before the workshop begins, we will invite you into some pre-work designed to support you in making the most out of your time with us. This includes recommendations on how to set up your space for our practice as well as some reflection / journaling prompts for you to complete before you dive into the actual workshop. The completion of pre-work is not required for you to participate in the workshop but is lovingly encouraged in order for you to have the most transformative experience possible in this space.
After the workshop has finished, you’ll receive a few post-session recommendations / best practices for integrating your experience back into you everyday life.
What we love most about being able to offer this program to you in a virtual format is that you’ll have this space to continuously come back to use over and over again. The best part: each time you’re back in this space with us gets to be an entirely new experience as you shift, change, grow and evolve!
While we fully believe that you’ll get out of this workshop what you put into it, something else that we’d like to offer you is a reminder that whatever we hold on to energetically - limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, outdated ways of being or thinking, suppressed emotions / feelings - can show up as disease or dis-ease in the body.
What this workshop will give to you is the space to release and let go of whatever isn’t serving you in a safe and healthy way so that you can allow your body to heal and return to it’s most optimal, healthy state.
We included an opportunity for reflection before the workshop begins so that you can get clear on what’s present for you and bring that with you into the EFT Tapping + Breathwork experience. We can’t do the work for you, but we can hold safe and loving space for you to receive what your body’s ready to heal.
Want to learn more?
Check out this video from Meeta and MB, doing a LIVE EFT Tapping session together!